University of Washington Rosling Center for Population Health

  • Civic Developments, Office Shell & Core/TI
  • Wayfinding / Architectural Signage, Environmental Graphics, Property ID / Exterior Signage
  • Seattle, Washington

Wayfinding signage for a 300,000 SF building with office and collaborative/technology classroom spaces

Waypoint was fortunate to work with general contractor, Lease Crutcher Lewis on the new University of Washington Hans Rosling Center for Population Health, a collaborative educational environment that brings together three important schools/research groups: Institute of Health Metrics Evaluation, Department of Global Health and the School of Public Health. The client provided a signage design to Waypoint for our team to execute upon. As the project changed often throughout its construction, and ultimately delivered during the global COVID pandemic, our team worked diligently to adjust and adapt to the changes and timelines, ensuring that the building completed with the correct signage to not only achieve Certificate of Occupancy, but also to create simplicity in wayfinding for its occupants. Miller Hull was the architect for this important project.