Colorful unit IDs create a soothing experience for guests arriving at their hotel room.
Marriott Tacoma Downtown Hotel at the Tacoma Convention Center – A Yareton/Absher Construction Project
Resorts & Hospitality
Wayfinding / Architectural Signage
Tacoma, Washington

Signage for a 303-key hotel with 19,000 SF of meeting space
Waypoint provided signage solutions to match the elegance of this new, 22-story hotel in Tacoma. The four-star hotel development is the second tallest tower in the city, and as such, has a significant presence. Wayfinding included subtle directional signage, backlit by LEDs to speak to the hotel’s high-end experience, while allowing guests and convention attendees to easily navigate the building and its stunning amenities. Waypoint was pleased to work with both the developer, Yareton, and the general contractor, Absher Construction on the Marriott Downtown Tacoma Marriott Hotel at the Tacoma Convention Center. Ankrom Moisan Architects provided architectural services for the development.