An alternative custom signage solution creating brand consistency AND unique property personalities

Waypoint works with many large development firms that operate across the US.  In talking with leadership within these firms, we hear a common refrain: “How do we make the signage process faster, smoother, more efficient and brand consistent across our portfolio? That is, without it taking 100% of my (or my team’s) time?!?”

Signage doesn’t have to be a struggle. Truly.

Our team has helped other development companies create a repeatable and efficient approach to signage, ensuring that corporate brand standards are adhered to, while still ensuring that a property’s unique story and vibe are well represented. In other words, a corporate signage standard and process doesn’t mean that each building can’t have it’s own personality. But it does mean that developing signage will be easier, faster and perhaps even fun!

We understand that Carmel Partners is interested in exploring:

  • How to create continuity and simplicity of process across the regions that the firm works in;
  • The development of consistent messaging (not dictating design) and a centralized “depot” for signage standards;
  • A process to streamline signage programming and the review process that accompanies this effort;
  • A strategy to ensure brand consistency across all regions;
  • An approach that ensures ADA compliance without having to check, re-check and re-think;
  • How to minimize internal resources engaged in signage, yet maximize the signage that results!

While that may seem like a big list of wishes, every item is something we’ve encountered in the past. Waypoint can help! (Photo to the right is from The Huntley, a Wood Partners project in Atlanta, Georgia.)

A relevant developer relationship and effort:  Wood Partners’ national signage program

Waypoint started as a sign vendor, and became a sign partner for Wood Partners in 2018. The Wood team expressed many of the same concerns and frustrations that we have heard from Carmel. They regarded signage as an important piece of their brand, but had become frustrated with the time consuming efforts to achieve their desired results across the regions. And we vowed to make it easier.  Here’s what we did to streamline their process:

  • Working with the Wood team, we took a decentralized approach to signage and changed it to a standardized process. This doesn’t mean that all signage was handled by the home office, but rather that we worked with the Wood Partners team to develop standardized messaging for unit, amenity and back of house signage as well as a new approach for programming, design development and review. The new messaging and accompanying approach was then rolled out in all offices across the country. The result was a streamlined signage programming, design and review process as well as consistency in the Alta brand (Wood Partners’ community brand) for all states where the firm is active.
  • Implemented a Design Build / Design to Budget model to meet the needs of the national development team. As a national partner, we deliver turnkey projects on-time and on-budget.
  • Waypoint provided cost efficiencies by analyzing and then minimizing “over-signing” that was occurring due to lack of internal signage standards. We supported the Wood Partners team and delivered cost savings by eliminating the outsourcing of Signage Design Packs which were previously produced by outside design firms. Waypoint provides a full-service design/build/install signage experience.
  • Our team provided a process that ensures ADA compliance in every municipality that Wood works in. This is integral to our process and is something that is often missed by firms that are singularly focused on design (look and feel). This accuracy also reduced signage expenses that were previously incurred by the Wood team due to missed ADA requirements, replacement of inaccurate signage and the creation of temporary signage to achieve TCO.
  • (Photo to the left is from Alta Civic Station, a Wood Partners project in Gresham, Oregon.)

A recent project example: Alta Peak (Portland, Oregon)

To illustrate what we’ve described above, let’s take a look at a recent Wood Partners project. Alta Peak was completed in 2021 and is located in the West End neighborhood of Portland, Oregon.

As noted above, the signage design is complementary to the project’s interior design and exterior architecture. That said, some of the messaging standards that are now consistent across the company’s developments are:

  • Amenity spaces are named by choosing from options in the amenity space name “depot.” This provides consistency across the portfolio, while retaining flexibility for the local team. Examples are “Roof Terrace” or “Sky Lounge” for a rooftop amenity space, and a gym could be named “Fitness Room” or “Fitness Studio;”
  • Electric vehicle charging station signage is standardized;
  • Capitalization, which seems like a simple matter can be so varied! A standard now exists for all signage and words, for example “Resident,” or “Management;”
  • Rules and regulations have been drafted, standardized and approved for use in all properties and the layout of this language is consistent but may change slightly due to unique building design;
  • The layout and description of leasing hours is consistent;
  • And, of course, Fair Housing signage is now completely consistent across the country.

Ultimately what Wood Partners was seeking, and found with Waypoint was consistency. And consistency delivered with a process-driven, yet creative approach to support and service the individual challenges of their regional development teams across the country. As we work together, we continue to evolve the approach and process, with Waypoint adding value to each signage segment, whether exterior, garage, wayfinding, ADA or environmental graphics. As of the summer of 2021, we’ve delivered 25 Wood Partners signage projects with more on the way!

All of us at Waypoint are excited about the opportunity to partner with the Carmel team! We look forward to continuing the conversation.

     Flo Richardson    |    Business Development Director    |    (310) 796-6027    |